Saturday, June 16, 2007

Letter from Grand Dad

Dear Eloise, Ashy,Abi

The little bird in Eloise's bunk is such a nosey little bird.

When it stopped quivering and ate the bread Gran' Dad gave it, it chirped happily and fluttered its little wings. Gradually, it rose into the air and flew through the boat. It looked at Abi's bunk, then the bunk Ashy will have when she visits the boat. I think it was wondering what kids slept in those bunks because it enjoyed Eloise's bunk so much.

Next, it flew into the kitchen and had a good look around. Then it flew into the bathroom. The silly little thing had not seen a mirror before and it crashed into the mirror and nearly knocked itself out.

I went over to kiss it better, but it flew away before I got there.
Then it flew past the room where the big motor is and into Gran'Dad and Gorgor's cabin. It hovered over Gran' Dad's bed and then flew out a port hole.

It swooped around the boat and then flew high, high, high -- right to the top of the mast where the other birdies peeked out to see who was chirping and tweeting so happily.
It made so much noise when it saw the other little birds. It tweeted and whistled and sang, telling the other birdies about its adventure and how wonderful it was to fly. It told them they should jump from the mast and fly too.

They looked so frightened and uncertain about leaping out of the mast. They had never flown before.

Gradually, they tettered on the edge of their nest. Then one jumped, then the other. Down, down, down, they fell. "Flap your wings little birds! Flap your wings and fly!" I called.
They continued to fall down, down, down.
"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!" The little sister that could already fly called, as if she too was saying: "Flap your wings and fly."
"Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!"

Suddenly, one of the birdies stopped in mid-air. Gradually, it moved forward.
"Horray! Horray!" Gran'Dad called. "The birdie is flying! Horray!"
When the other little bird saw its two sisters flying, it flapped its little wings harder and faster. Gradually, it too started to move forward and stopped falling.
The three birdies soared high into the sky, high above the boat's tall mast. Then they swooped down towards Gran'Dad as he stood on the deck watching.

They sang happily as they flew around the boat, as if saying "Thank you Gran'Dad for taking us to so many places and looking after us. We did enjoy it so much."
Then, the first little bird to fly sped in towards Gran'Dad and dropped a present on the deck so that Gran'Dad would not forget her -- a lovely white feather.

Now the birdies are gone and Gran'dad is all alone on the boat waiting for Gorgor to arrive. It is so lonely without the birdies in their nest.

Lots of love

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